Tests component builder functionality
Example showcasing a dummy component (container + view)
Tests placement of different control types using different origins
All skeletal functionality
All shader functionality
Displays all functionality of the graphics drawer
Showcases a drawer with shapes having it's origin moved
Displays drawing, removing and clearing shapes from a drawer
Draw a line with the mouse, with path simplification algorithm
Layout manager with worker
Showcase Layout with VFL converted to functions
Clearing Layout and parsing new data
A simple demonstration of a Mesh
Create and edit a particle system
System with two emitters to create a fireworks particle effect
Demonstration of a particle trail
Importing particle systems generated by the Lume Particle Builder Tool
Demonstration of a particle system emitting particle systems
Displays input demos
Demos showcasing sound and webaudio functionality
Displays a Scale 9 Sprite with tweened size and texture swaps
Displays various configurations of the Scale 9 Sprite
Displays a Scale 3 Sprite with tweened size and texture swaps
Displays various configurations of the Scale 3 Sprite
Showcases masking capabilities of the engine
Showcases masking with multiple shapes
Showcases inverse masking
Tests enabling and disabling masking on the fly.
Displays all functionality of the ticker
Displays a Tiling Sprite with tweened size and texture swaps
Showcases timeline functionality
A demonstration of the timeout source behaviour
A demonstration of the interval source behaviour
Displays all functionality of the timer
Showcases the tweening functionality
More tweens using delay
Showcases tween easing functions
Showcases tweens with targets as arrays, with interpolation options
Showcases tweens individual time scales
Tween demo on selectable field, to view non x-axis tweening
Tween update event with progress
Showcase that tweens should be predictable regarding their timelines
Demo Storage functionality
Demonstration of the Viewport class for orientation and resizes
Demonstration of the Viewport class for engine sizing to canvas and not window
Examples of Sprite Sequences with variable and updating frame rates
Example of the String Provider loading a language and providing strings
Example of the various Blend Modes supported by Lume.
Example of the various Blend Modes supported by Lume and their effects on overlapping colours.
Displays framework Text component with word wrap and alignment
Demo showcasing MSDF text rendering
Demo showcasing Canvas text rendering
Demo used to test video memory when creating and disposing Canvas Text
Loading a custom font for the webpage and using canvas text
Demos showcasing progressive loading
All render texture functionality
Showcasing a possible camera zoom effect